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- Lightstar Intradimensional Starseed Alignment Sessions
Lightstar Intradimensional Starseed Alignment Sessions
In these in-depth sessions, Lightstar will be reading your DNA codes to identify your soul origins. She will then assess your current spiritual growth, assist you with discovering and igniting who you REALLY are, and align you with your Earthly mission in this lifetime. She serves as a bridge to higher wisdom, and her insight will help awaken your spiritual eyes, gain clarity into your 3D, 5D, and above Divine life streams, and provide unique perspectives that inspire deep and profound inner shifts. The goal of these sessions is to decipher and de-code the various aspects of you, clear your path, and imprint the map of your blueprint so you can shine your unique light.
*Pricing, Scheduling and ordering instructions are listed below.
Intradimensional Starseed Alignment Session Details:
~ First Time Clients Will Always Begin With PHASE 1. ~ If YOU'VE Already Had A Session With Lightstar and Received Your Soul Origins, Continue With PHASE 2. ~ If You're Not Sure, Please contact Lightstar directly BEFORE placing your order. HOW SESSIONS ARE CONDUCTED AND NOTES ABOUT RECORDINGS: Sessions can be conducted via Skype-to-Skype call, by Phone (in USA, Canada, or Mexico only), or via an audio MP3 only recording of your session (not live). In respect of your privacy, these sessions are NOT automatically audio or video recorded. You are welcome to make arrangements on your end to record the call, but you must have the proper consent of one or both parties to a phone call or conversation in order to make the recording lawful. REFUND POLICY FOR SESSIONS:
All private sessions are non-refundable. If you are unsure about paying for the session, or have any questions, please contact Lightstar directly BEFORE placing your order. |
"These life-changing sessions are designed to lead you through a progression of DISCOVERY, CONNECTIVITY, and VITALITY in a three-phase process. You can choose only the first phase, or all three. It's entirely up to you how much you want to experience! All new clients please choose PHASE 1, and returning clients who have already received their soul origins can move forward to PHASE 2. It will really depend on your individual situation as to exactly what transpires in your session. However, you'll definitely learn who you REALLY are and what you are here to do. Inspiration and awakenings will occur in all phases! I am so thrilled to assist you all in making huge transformations...especially if you choose the TRANSFORM option and complete all three phases! Truly, life will never be the same for you again."
~ Love and Blissings, Lightstar |
($644 - Special Price Includes $55 Savings, Plus Bonus Gift) (REGULAR PRICE WOULD NORMALLY BE $699 AND WITHOUT THE BONUS GIFT) INCLUDES PHASES 1, 2, & 3 PLUS Bonus Gift: ~ 1 FREE Digital Download of: Lightstar's CD Series, "Integration of the Ascent" CD's 1 & 2 PHASE 1 ~ DISCOVERY ALIGNMENT ~ 60 MINUTES ($255) (In Phase 1, Lightstar spends time downloading information BEFORE your live 1 hour session, so due to the extra time necessary for this process, the cost of this session is slightly higher than the other phases.) In this Session Lightstar will read your specific DNA and identify your true soul origins and specific energy signatures and imprints from Galactic/Starseed, Angelic, or Elemental realms. You'll even learn if you came from an entirely different universe or dimension. Discover your purpose/mission, soul gifts, multi-dimensional aspects, and receive messages from the higher realms on how to bring your soul in alignment with who you really are! WHAT YOU'LL RECEIVE: (We may not do ALL of these in one session, however, we'll begin with what's most important for you)
PHASE 2 ~ CONNECTIVITY ALIGNMENT ~ 60 MINUTES ($222) With Phase 2 sessions, Lightstar will assess your soul gifts more closely as we roll up our sleeves and dive into the heart and soul of you. We also discover what might be blocking your path, if applicable. Lightstar will do an intuitive scan on your physical and energy bodies to detect energy leaks, and you'll also be led through Lightstar's exclusive Light Language Chakra Clearing...plus a guided visualization tailored to your specific situation. WHAT YOU'LL RECEIVE: (We may not do ALL of these in one session, however, we'll begin with what's most important for you)
PHASE 3 ~ VITALITY ALIGNMENT ~ 60 MINUTES ($222) By the time we reach Phase 3 sessions, we will have addressed some hindrances to your spiritual growth, and done some clearing work, so reaching the higher dimensions and reconnecting with divine sources will be much more clear. Now we can activate and energize these connections and move more fully into your divine purpose by bringing new templates and grids into your life which will allow your true self to become reality here on Earth. OR...we may do more clearing work instead, depending on how things progressed with Phase 2. If we progress to the upgrading phase, you will be led through an exclusive Light Language Lightbody Spectra Activation which will assist you enhance your chakra system to be more fully integrated as one unified energy system. WHAT YOU'LL RECEIVE: (We may not do ALL of these in one session, however, we'll begin with what's most important for you)
FOLLOW-UP SESSIONS AFTER COMPLETION OF PHASE 3 SINGLE SESSIONS ~ 60 MINUTES ($222) 3 SESSION PACKAGE DEAL ~ ($599 - Includes $67 Savings) REGULAR PRICE WOULD BE $666 After completion of all 3 Phases, you may still have a particular concern that you wish to address more deeply in a separate session, so this is what the Follow-Up Sessions are for. Here we can go into specific concerns in more depth, and we customize the sessions based upon your needs. You can purchase and book single sessions whenever you need assistance, or choose the 3 Session Package Plan for an even better deal. If you choose the 3 session package deal, you can space these follow-ups either once a week for 3 weeks, or all three within 2 months however you'd like. This will also depend upon Lightstar's availability at the time you schedule. However, it is preferred that you book these 3 appointments within a 2 month total period of time if possible. FAQ'S FOR SESSION LOGISTICS:Do you Need To complete All 3 Phases?
No. You don't HAVE to do all 3 phases. These sessions are designed to go at your pace and your budget. So, you can just do Phase 1 and that's all if you like....or come back for Phase 2 whenever you feel guided and ready. But if you want to get the most completeness and transformation, you can pay for all 3 Phases and it will save you money as well as give you a BONUS gift as well! Do You Need To Be a Starseed To Have This Session with Lightstar?
Starseeds are typically drawn to Lightstar's work, so she does tend to have more Starseeds as clients. However, it is not necessary to be Starseed in order to have these sessions, because you will still gain insight and clarity into many aspects of your life regardless of where you originated from. Lightstar works with the Angelic Realms, Elemental Realms, and Galactic Realms, so you will receive message that are appropriate for you at this current time in your spiritual evolution. What You'll Receive, and What You Will Not Receive FROM THESE SESSIONS
In these sessions, you will receive a variety of activations, messages, and/or clearings that can greatly assist with your current situation surrounding your life purpose, career, spiritual growth, and relationships. You will become more clear and empowered as to who you really are, which will help you to make decisions in your life more effectively. These sessions are interactive, so be prepared to talk and share, as well as listen and receive. These sessions are not a typical psychic reading, so if you are looking for ‘Madam Zorba’ with a crystal ball fortune telling your future, you will not find her here. Lightstar does NOT do mediumship readings, or the predictive/fortune telling psychic readings. She serves more as a facilitator for your spiritual growth. She will share intuitive messages, but at the core of her readings will ALWAYS be to empower you to find the answers within the very soul of you. What you will find in these unique sessions is an activating, inspiring, and magical Starseed Ambassador re-aligning you to who you truly are. what is the length of the sessions?
Phase 1-3 sessions are each typically 60 minutes in length. However, Lightstar also privately tunes into your life path and receives guidance and messages for you prior to speaking with you by phone, in-person, or via Skype. This is included as part of the session. how do we communicate for the sessions?
Sessions can be conducted via Skype-to-Skype call, by Phone (in USA, Canada, or Mexico only), or via an audio MP3 only recording of your session (not live). How to Schedule and How Far Apart Are These Sessions Scheduled?
After you make your session payment, You'll receive an E-mail message with a link to schedule the session via Lightstar's Online Scheduling Calendar. If you have not received this E-mail within two days, please send Lightstar a message. For Booking Single Phases: If you wish to progress past Phase 1, the time-frame between booking the individual phases is really entirely up to you. Lightstar does recommend these sessions be relatively close to each other, as to keep the momentum progressing, but again, it's up to you, and of course, Lightstar's availability. For Booking the Transform Package (All 3 Phases): If you choose the Transform Package, Lightstar recommends that you schedule your three sessions anywhere from a few days to a week apart from one another (as scheduling permits), and all three phases be completed within one month total time-frame. However, Lightstar's online calendar may be full when you want to schedule your sessions, so this timeline is the guideline for when you see the first availability on the calendar. This helps to keep your transformation shifts progressing and is better for memory retention of the various processes. But it also depends on you, and if you need more time between sessions, then we just work at your own pace. ARE THESE SESSIONS AUDIO RECORDED?
In respect of your privacy, these sessions are NOT automatically recorded. You are welcome to make arrangements on your end to record the call, but you must have the proper consent of one or both parties to a phone call or conversation in order to make the recording lawful. FAQ'S ABOUT SPECIFIC TYPES OF READINGS OR ACTIVATION:WHAT IS THE LANGUAGE OF LIGHT ACTIVATION?
~ Language of Light Activation Star languages, also called the ‘Languages of Light,’ are universal dialects that serve as forms of communication, but are also deemed as healing tools. There are many star languages spoken on other planets, dimensions, star systems, and universes. Where do you think many of the languages we speak here on Earth originate from? Many individuals resonate with these languages, as they will be reminded of home, and it will activate their very soul. Come experience a distinctive activation of the heart, as each language is heard and understood through the very depths of your spirit. Lightstar will activate your multi-dimensional aspects by speaking one or more Light Languages that is meant to help awaken the heart of you. She will also utilize these languages and transmissions to clear and ignite the human chakratic system. The scope of languages include: Angelic, Elven, Fairy, Andromedan, Pleiadian, Lyran, Arcturian, Sirian, Orion, and others. Many people experience spontaneous star-based and planetary memories, awakenings, initiations, and you may even begin speaking your own Light Language. Everyone can speak at least one Light Language, for your original tongue is a prayer language of spirit. WHAT IS A STAR LINEAGE rEADING?
~ Star Lineage Intuitive Readings Who am I, and where do I REALLY come from? A question so many people across the globe ask repeatedly. Lightstar will tune into your multi-dimensional star and/or Gaia lineage and share with you the predominant race(s) that you are connected with. You may be the descendants of Angels, Fairy's, Elvenkind, ET's, Galactic beings, or any combination thereof. Many "old souls” living on Gaia have been through numerous incarnations throughout our Universe and beyond. They beat to a resonating pure sound of The Creator's Light, and have responded to the call for mastery, vision, wisdom, and creativity to be "seeded" upon and into the very mysteries of existence that beckons to the depths of their soul. They are known as Starseeds, and they are individuals that originate from far-distant star and solar systems, planets, and galaxies. These highly evolved souls carry a plethora of wisdom and special abilities that hibernates deep within the core of their being. Most Starseeds feel a sense of misplacement, like they were "aliens" dropped here on Earth without a compass, so they harbor a sense of emptiness and longing to find or go back to their "true home." It has now come time to learn more about whom you truly are, and express this truth on Earth. WHAT IS ANGELIC TONING?
~ Angelic Toning, Transmissions, and/or Healing Lightstar’s exclusive Angelic Toning session is a customized, and deeply nurturing style of vocal toning that sounds like beautiful Angelic emanations of love. You will hear a form of Angel invocation that is specifically and divinely intuited from the Angels. The effects of the Angelic vibrations of light evoke a sense of peace, penetrate and clear energetic blockages within the chakras, transmit Divine Codes into your DNA, promote clarity, and envelope you in a shielding energy of Divine Light. The Angelic frequencies that transmit through Lightstar are powerful, loving, and exquisite, as she gently calls the Angelic healers into your energy field…bathing you into a deep state of bliss and harmony. The multi-dimensional sound healing properties of this Angel toning has been described by recipients as feeling a sense of reverberation, or waves, vibrating deep within the cells of their bodies, as well as a profound connection to their own soul essence.