Donate To Lightstar
My eternal gratitude for your most generous gesture of love to support my work! Your donations go directly towards assisting me to create extraordinary and mind-blowingly activating artistry, serve as a bridge to activate/heal through Light Language, birth new products and services that raise the frequency of our precious Jewel of Terra, awaken Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Light warriors to discover their purpose, and ignite this brilliant rock to evolve to be an even GREATER and MOST AWESOME place to reside.
Below are some suggested donations amounts that carry specific frequencies, all with a high-vibe and energetic numerological significance! Additionally, I will also say a very special Light Language prayer of gratitude and abundance blissing for you just for donating to my work. Let's do this!
Alternatively, if you'd rather donate another way, you can always become a patron on my Patreon site, donate directly via PayPal, or donate using the Super Thanks option (below the share link) on any of my YouTube videos. All of these options are listed below. My sincere gratitude and love to you all!